Each candle is homemade in my house in Seaside Park, NJ and is poured with gratitude and love. Imperfections are beautiful in life so please understand these candles are not “perfect” due to my rocking. They are made in small batches for optimum care, quality, and that personal touch. All natural ingredients including 100% soy wax with cotton wicks. Let’s get lit and rock on!

BROWSE Candles


Fraser Fir

8 oz soy wax
Everyone dancin merrily.  


Beach linen

8 oz soy wax
The fresh scent of salty air and no cares  


Pumpkin Souffle

8 oz soy wax
Sweaters, Pumpkins, Lattes, Candles, and Blankets ..... Oh My.  


Frosted Juniper

8 oz soy wax
Frosty, such a jolly happy soul.  


Day at the Spa

8 oz soy wax
The only thing I need when I hit rock bottom is a day at the spa  


Cinnamon Bun

8 oz soy wax
The only buns of steel I have are cinnamon buns.  


White Sage & Lavender

8 oz soy wax
Take a deep breath, inhale lavender, exhale relaxation.  


Vanilla Chestnut

8 oz soy wax
Jack Frost nipping at your nose.  

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